Quality Foods From Our Local Farmers!
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Pickles & Relish

Assortment of pickles and relishes canned locally. Available in pint and quart sizes.

Apie Bees Pickles

Sweet Lime pickles from home grown cucumbers and processed at home. Great flavor that MAKES potato salad, deviled...

Garland Greens Pickles

So what to you do with a bumper crop of cucumbers, peppers, or watermelon rind? Why you make pickles of course! Old...

Little Acorns Pickles & Relish

Great selection of a variety of pickles and relish. Made from cucumbers grown at home garden and processed in home...

Peaceful Waters Pickles & Relish

Our pickles and relishes are made only from locally vegetables, mostly from our own garden. Any additional vegetables...

Peaceful Waters Olives

Blend of olive varieties marinated in spiced juice for an unbelievable flavor. Pretty to look at and tastes great....

Ruth's Kitchen Relish

Home canned pickles and relishes

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